Thursday, August 22, 2013

Today was a really busy day at the Root Cellar.  It started with our "Goers" coming up for the day and making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and slicing three watermelons for their dessert.  During that time the rest of the group went down into the neighborhood and gathered up the kids to walk them back to the Root Cellar for Vacation Bible School.  We had 92 (count 'em) 92 kids today!!!!  The group of people who made the sandwiches stopped at around 60 or so and then had to go back into the kitchen to make even more.  However, that was still not enough because while the kids were being served, we ran out again!!   We discovered that some kids were just coming through the door undetected and joining the kids that were already there.  The reason being?  The school supply store!  After we caught on to what was happening around us we got a little bit more hip to them, but not by much!!  : )   We had a wonderful day today with a bible story, coloring pages, games and we allowed the kids to earn as many points as possible because this was the last day they could do so.  Many of them worked very hard to earn those extra points so they could walk away with an arm full of purchases from the store.  Yes!  The store was the highlight of the day and a huge success.  The kids walked away with book bags, binders, pencils of every color, pens of every color, rulers, books, crayons, highlighters, composition paper, notebooks, paper for the binders, sport bags, erasers, folders, flash cards and pencil boxes!  I'm probably missing something but I know I came close to naming everything that was available to them.  They purchased these things with their Bible Bucks that they earned throughout the week.  Overall the week was a smashing success.  God was glorified, we were blessed.  What more could someone ask for?  The Root Cellar wishes to extend their thanks to the entire church family and word on the street is that "Our Savior Lutheran Church has been the most faithful church partner the Root Cellar has had these past seven years!"  That, brothers and sisters, was a direct quote from staff member Christine Ming.  Christine would also like for anyone who has ever served at the Root Cellar to email her at to let her know why they went, what they thought about the place and would they go again.  This is going to go in their newsletter so that the local churches in their area can  see that local churches (we're considered local) do support them and treat them as part of their missions program.  Unfortunately the local churches around the root cellar do not support them as much as they could or just not at all.  We will pray that the christians in the Portland area will be spurred to action!  Enjoy the photos.

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