Thursday, August 22, 2013

Today the Root Cellar kids took their weekly trek to the beach (in this case Sebago Lake) and they were accompanied by our team.  I, however, was not in attendance.  I stayed behind and worked on the school supply store and I did some cleaning for the Root Cellar itself.  The kids had a great time as they stayed in the water most of the day, and I'm told that our team, particularly the teens, joined them.  They left the building around 10:00 AM and arrived back at the building around 4:00 PM.  A great time was had by all.  Thanks to the generosity of all of you "senders" I can report that all the kids will probably walk away from the store with a new backpack and assorted supplies for school.  All of the kids have earned points or "bible bucks" towards purchasing what they need for school and I am also happy to report that they were all very eager to earn their points.  Once motivated, they actually work very hard.  Tomorrow is our last day and the day the store opens.  We are all very excited about the store and disappointed that we have to leave.  But, there's always next year.
Below are just a few of the items for the store.

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